EMDR Therapy in California for Birth Trauma and other Postpartum Challenges

Reproductive trauma can be devastating. Birth trauma, miscarriage and other loss can take a toll. You may be living in San Francisco and need EMDR therapy in CA to help process. Call for EMDR treatment in CA today.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a technique that can be a helpful therapeutic approach for addressing and processing many types of reproductive trauma. I have specialized training in EMDR treatment in California.

EMDR is a structured and evidence-based psychotherapy technique designed to help individuals process distressing memories, bodily sensations, core beliefs, and emotions related to past experiences. EMDR is especially useful in addressing birth trauma by reducing the emotional, physical, and cognitive impacts of those memories without erasing them. Birth trauma therapy can rapidly alleviate trauma symptoms such as flashbacks, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts, often leading to significant, life-changing improvements. 

EMDR is particularly helpful for new moms facing mental health concerns such as postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression, or birth trauma. The intense pressures of motherhood, hormonal changes, and the emotional weight of caring for a newborn can stir up past traumas or create new ones, leaving many women feeling overwhelmed. EMDR therapy provides a structured, effective way to process these difficult emotions and experiences. It helps rewire the brain’s response to traumatic or distressing memories, reducing the emotional intensity and freeing you from the grip of negative beliefs like guilt, shame, or fear.

For new moms, EMDR can address a wide range of issues, including traumatic childbirth, intrusive thoughts, or anxiety related to caregiving. By processing these feelings, you may experience reduced emotional distress, improved mood, and greater confidence in your ability to care for yourself and your baby. Many women report feeling lighter, more present, and better able to enjoy motherhood after EMDR therapy. The ultimate goal is to help you regain emotional balance, build resilience, and foster a healthier bond with your child without being weighed down by past or current emotional challenges. I have been an EMDR therapist in California for over 15 years. 

As a Postpartum Therapist in California, I offer many services utilizing evidence-based treatments. Some services at Shameless Mama Wellness include treatment for postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, birth trauma therapy, therapy for miscarriage and losspregnancy therapy and treatment for NICU PTSD.

Online therapy available to new moms in California.

EMDR Therapy in California for Birth Trauma and other Postpartum Challenges

Reproductive trauma can be life changing. Birth trauma, miscarriage and other loss can take a toll. You may be living in San Francisco and need EMDR therapy in CA to help process. Call for EMDR treatment in CA today.

EMDR can be beneficial for many types of reproductive trauma.

EMDR can help all of following concerns:

  • Emergency interventions or unplanned C-sections

  • Lengthy or painful labor

  • Feeling unheard or powerless during the birthing process

  • NICU experiences

  • Birth injuries to mother or baby

  • Loss of privacy, dignity, or control

  • Inadequate pain relief or postpartum care

  • Fear for your life or your baby’s life

  • PTSD stemming from recent or past events, such as traumatic births or medical interventions

  • Fertility challenges

  • Addressing past abuse or trauma that resurfaces during the perinatal period

  • Grief and loss, including pregnancy or infant loss

Reproductive trauma can be difficult to accept and process. Birth trauma, miscarriage and other loss can take a toll. You may be living in San Francisco and need EMDR therapy in CA to help process. Call for EMDR treatment in CA today.

Unlike some therapies, the focus of EMDR is not on reliving every detail of your trauma, but on gently processing the emotional and physical impacts of these memories. Through the use of bilateral stimulation, EMDR helps create a sense of distance between the past and present, diminishing the ongoing effects of trauma. The process also works to replace negative self-beliefs with more positive ones, allowing you to move forward with greater self-compassion and resilience.

Here is how EMDR works to help you process a traumatic experience:

  • Trauma processing: EMDR focuses on processing traumatic memories and experiences. It helps you reprocess distressing memories related to reproductive trauma, such as miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility treatments, traumatic childbirth, or pregnancy loss. By targeting the traumatic memories, EMDR aims to reduce the emotional distress associated with them.

  • Bilateral stimulation: EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation, which involves engaging one side of your body and then the other.  This can be done through eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation like tapping or auditory cues. This bilateral stimulation helps activate both sides of your brain, facilitating the processing of traumatic memories and emotions.

  • Identifying negative beliefs: EMDR helps you identify negative beliefs or self-perceptions that have developed as a result of trauma. These negative beliefs may include feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame. By addressing and reprocessing these negative beliefs, you can experience a shift towards more adaptive and positive beliefs.

  • Building resources: EMDR also focuses on building internal resources and coping skills to support you in managing the distress associated with the trauma. This may involve identifying and strengthening positive memories, developing relaxation techniques, or cultivating self-soothing strategies.

  • Reintegration and resolution: Through the reprocessing of traumatic memories and the associated emotions, EMDR can integrate these experiences into your overall life narrative. This can lead to a sense of resolution, decreased distress, and increased emotional wellbeing

Start EMDR treatment in California today!

Reproductive trauma can impact your entire family. Birth trauma, miscarriage and other loss can take a toll. You may be living in San Francisco and need EMDR therapy in CA to help process. Call for EMDR treatment in CA today.

EMDR Treatment in California

The 8 Phases of EMDR

EMDR is a structured treatment that follows a series of steps to help you heal from trauma. There are eight distinct phases, and while you’ll go through each one, you may revisit earlier phases as new memories or events surface. Here’s a breakdown of the eight phases you'll experience during EMDR therapy:

  1. History Taking and Treatment Planning: We’ll start by exploring your past and present experiences, focusing on the memories or events that need attention. Together, we’ll set goals and determine when you’re ready for EMDR.

  2. Preparation: In this phase, I’ll explain how EMDR works, what to expect, and help you feel comfortable with the process. You’ll also learn coping strategies like relaxation techniques, so you can manage any distress that may come up during or between sessions.

  3. Assessment: We’ll identify a specific target memory to start the work. You’ll focus on the visual image connected to that memory, the negative belief you hold about yourself as a result of it, and any emotions or physical sensations tied to it. Then, we’ll choose a positive belief you want to adopt instead.

  4. Desensitization: As you focus on the traumatic memory, I’ll guide you through bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, tapping, or sounds. This helps your brain reprocess the memory, reducing its emotional intensity and allowing you to think about it in a new way.

  5. Installation: Once the distress around the memory has lessened, we’ll work on reinforcing a positive belief to replace the negative one. This helps you shift your perspective and integrate a healthier, more empowering mindset.

  6. Body Scan: You’ll do a mental scan of your body to check if there’s any lingering physical tension or discomfort related to the memory or event. If anything remains, we’ll address it to ensure your body fully releases the trauma.

  7. Closure: At the end of each session, we’ll make sure you leave feeling calm and grounded. If we didn’t fully process the memory during the session, I’ll teach you techniques to manage any emotions that may arise between sessions.

  8. Reevaluation: At the start of the next session, we’ll review your progress and determine if any further processing is needed for that memory. We’ll also look at how the positive changes are showing up in your day-to-day life and decide if you’re ready to move on to other memories.

Start EMDR therapy in California today!

Reproductive trauma can impact your entire family. Birth trauma, miscarriage and other loss can take a toll. This video explains how EMDR works and how it can help. Call for EMDR treatment in CA today.

A Simple Introduction To EMDR Therapy in California

Bad moments don’t make bad mamas.”

— Lysa TerKeurst