Maternal Mental Health and Postpartum Support:
Postpartum Support International (PSI) - postpartum.net
Resources, helplines, and support groups for mothers experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
California Maternal Mental Health Collaborative - maternalmentalhealthnow.org
Specific to California, this resource offers localized information and support systems for maternal mental health.
The Motherhood Center - themotherhoodcenter.com
Virtual support groups, therapy services, and information on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. They provide comprehensive care for moms struggling with mental health.
March of Dimes - marchofdimes.org
Information on pregnancy, newborn health, and postpartum mental health, emphasizing awareness of complications that affect maternal wellbeing.
2020 Mom - 2020mom.org
Focuses on closing gaps in maternal mental health care through advocacy, education, and collaboration. An excellent resource for understanding systemic issues and accessing policy-related updates.
The Blue Dot Project - thebluedotproject.org
Aims to raise awareness of maternal mental health disorders and reduce the stigma surrounding them. Their campaigns and resources are great for clients who want to learn more or get involved.
If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or your baby and you fear acting on these thoughts, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital Emergency Room.
You can reach the 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling or texting 988.
Perinatal Naturopathic Medicine:
Dr. Priyanka Borkar - drpriyankaborkar.com
Dr. Priyanka Borkar is a California board-certified, licensed naturopathic doctor, acupuncturist, and integrative medicine provider. She provides personalized, integrative care for preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, & beyond.

Fertility Counseling:
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association - resolve.org
Provides an extensive array of resources, including support groups, advocacy information, and educational materials on treatments like IVF, surrogacy, and adoption.
IVF Babble - ivfbabble.com
offers comprehensive guidance on IVF and fertility treatments, including expert advice, personal stories, and community support.
ASRM American Society for Reproductive Medicine - reproductivefacts.org
covers a range of fertility-related topics, including infertility causes, treatment types, and scientific information on ART (assisted reproductive technologies).
Parenting and Maternal Self-Care:
Hey Sigmund - heysigmund.com
Focuses on the psychology behind parenting, anxiety, and self-care. It offers practical tips for managing stress and understanding the emotional challenges of motherhood.
Motherly - mother.ly
Offers articles, courses, and videos about parenting, maternal wellness, and the realities of motherhood.
Scary Mommy - scarymommy.com
A supportive and candid community for mothers that tackles the less glamorous sides of parenting, helping to normalize the struggles moms face.
KellyMom - kellymom.com
A trusted source for evidence-based breastfeeding, parenting, and sleep information. This site provides research-backed information to empower new mothers in their parenting journey.
Trauma and Birth Trauma:
EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) - emdria.org
Provides information about EMDR therapy, which is effective for treating reproductive trauma.
PATTCh (Prevention and Treatment of Traumatic Childbirth) - pattch.org
This organization is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of traumatic childbirth, offering resources for parents and professionals alike. They focus on creating a compassionate and informed approach to birth trauma.
Birth and Trauma Support Center (BATSC) - birthandtraumasupportcenter.org
Offers support groups, resources, and one-on-one consultations to help parents process traumatic birth experiences. They also provide information on PTSD related to childbirth.
Healing Birth - healingbirth.net
Provides virtual support groups, coaching, and storytelling circles for those who have experienced birth trauma. They emphasize the importance of sharing stories as a part of the healing process.
Pregnancy and Infant Loss:
Return to Zero: HOPE - rtzhope.org
Offers support, education, and community for families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss. They provide retreats, support groups, and resources specifically tailored for grieving parents.
Star Legacy Foundation - starlegacyfoundation.org
Focuses on stillbirth prevention, research, education, and family support. They offer a wide range of resources, including online support groups and educational events for grieving parents.
Still Standing Magazine - stillstandingmag.com
An online magazine that shares personal stories of loss, hope, and healing after child loss and infertility. This resource helps normalize grief and offers support for parents feeling isolated.
NICU Parenting:
NICU Parent Network - nicuparentnetwork.org
This network amplifies the voices of NICU parents through community building and advocacy, offering a platform for parents to share their experiences and find support.
Hand to Hold - handtohold.org
Offers emotional support, resources, and one-on-one mentoring for NICU parents. They provide podcasts, virtual support groups, and a peer mentor program to help parents feel less alone during their NICU stay.
Graham’s Foundation - grahamsfoundation.org
Dedicated to supporting parents of premature babies, Graham’s Foundation provides care packages, peer support, and educational resources designed specifically for the NICU journey and beyond.

Please visit my blog for information related to Perinatal Mental Health.
Plese visit my guest blog for helping information written by other trusted mental health professionals.

“Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.”
— Howard W. Hunter