Miscarriage and Loss

Losing a baby can be devastating and can take a toll on the entire family. You may be living in San Francisco and need a pregnancy loss therapist. Call a miscarriage therapist in CA today to help process your grief.

How can a Postpartum Therapist specializing in trauma help?

Miscarriage is a deeply personal and often heartbreaking experience. Whether you are experiencing overwhelming grief, confusion, or even a sense of numbness, I want you to know that every emotion you feel is valid. Miscarriage is often wrapped in silence, leaving many mothers feeling isolated. Here, we break that silence. You deserve to have your experience seen, heard, and supported without shame or judgment. A Pregnancy Loss Therapist can help.

Grief from miscarriage is unlike any other loss. You may feel a whirlwind of emotions—from anger and sadness to confusion. Some days may be better than others, and that’s normal. You might even have thoughts that you don’t feel comfortable sharing with others because you fear judgment or misunderstanding. Pregnancy loss therapy can assist in making sense of these emotions.

I offer a space for you to talk through these emotions without guilt or shame. It’s okay if your feelings don’t "make sense" or align with what you think you're supposed to feel. Whether you’re experiencing profound grief or finding it hard to feel anything at all, know that both experiences are completely valid.

I provide a safe haven to discuss the thoughts you keep hidden.

Losing a baby is extremely painful. It can impact the entire family. You may be living in San Francisco and need a pregnancy loss therapist. Call for pregnancy loss therapy in CA today to help process your grief.

Healing After Loss

Healing from miscarriage is not a linear process, and there’s no "right way" to grieve. For some women, healing may look like talking through their feelings, while others may turn to journaling, mindfulness, or simply allowing themselves time to rest. Some women find the help of a miscarriage therapist invaluable. There’s no timeline for grief, and your healing process is entirely your own.

As a Pregnancy Loss Therapist, I help guide women through the various stages of healing after loss. We’ll work together to unpack complex emotions, acknowledge the trauma, and find a path forward that honors your experience. I also help women navigate intrusive thoughts, which may arise in the aftermath of loss, so that these thoughts don’t overwhelm or define your healing journey.

Miscarriage and Motherhood

If you’ve experienced miscarriage, you may be grappling with what it means to call yourself a mother. Whether this was your first pregnancy or your third, the loss of a baby can leave you questioning your identity as a mother and your ability to grow your family. A Miscarriage Therapist will remind you that you are still a mother, even in loss. Your experience does not erase your worth or the love you had for your baby.

Support Through Therapy

Miscarriage can leave an emotional scar that is difficult to navigate on your own. Pregnancy Loss Therapy offers a space where you can voice your feelings, process your grief, and begin to rebuild your emotional health. I provide specialized postpartum therapy that acknowledges the unique pain of miscarriage, offering you tools to cope, heal, and grow.

During our sessions, we may explore:

  • Processing the trauma of loss

  • Addressing feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame

  • Managing anxiety about future pregnancies

  • Talking through your experience without fear of judgment

  • Strategies for emotional regulation and self-care

EMDR for Miscarriage and Loss

Experiencing a miscarriage can be deeply traumatic, often leaving lasting emotional and psychological scars. While grief is a natural response to loss, many women who have gone through miscarriage also experience trauma, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, or a sense of being stuck in their pain. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy with a Pregnancy Loss Therapist can offer a path to healing.

What is EMDR? EMDR is a specialized, evidence-based therapeutic approach that helps people process and heal from trauma. It involves guided bilateral stimulation (such as tapping or sound) while you recall distressing memories or feelings. This process helps your brain reprocess traumatic memories, reducing the emotional charge around them and allowing you to move forward without feeling overwhelmed by the pain.

How Can EMDR Help After Miscarriage? For women who have experienced miscarriage, EMDR can be particularly powerful in addressing the trauma and emotional fallout that often accompanies pregnancy loss. Miscarriage isn’t just a physical loss; it’s an emotional and psychological experience that can trigger feelings of fear, anxiety, self-blame, or even guilt. EMDR therapy with a Miscarriage Therapist offers a way to:

  • Process the Trauma: EMDR can help you work through the traumatic memories of your miscarriage, including any physical pain, medical procedures, or overwhelming emotions.

  • Reduce Intrusive Thoughts: Many women experience distressing, repetitive thoughts after miscarriage, including fears about future pregnancies or self-blaming thoughts. EMDR helps reduce the intensity and frequency of these thoughts.

  • Alleviate Anxiety and Fear: Whether you're trying to conceive again or simply dealing with daily life after a miscarriage, EMDR can help decrease anxiety related to your loss, allowing you to feel more grounded and hopeful.

  • Heal at Your Own Pace: EMDR is a gentle, client-centered therapy. We move at your pace, ensuring that the process feels safe and supportive at every step.

Losing a baby is painful and grief can take a toll. The grief can impact the entire family. EMDR therapy in CA can help you process your grief. Call an EMDR therapist in CA today to help.

As a Postpartum Therapist in California, I offer many services utilizing evidence-based treatments. Some services at Shameless Mama Wellness include treatment for postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, birth trauma therapy, therapy for miscarriage and losspregnancy therapy and treatment for NICU PTSD.

Online therapy available to new moms in California.

Losing a baby is extremely painful. It can impact the entire family. EMDR therapy in CA can help you process your grief. Call an EMDR therapist in CA today to help.

What to Expect in an EMDR Session: During Pregnancy Loss Therapy through EMDR sessions, we will work together to explore the emotions and memories tied to your miscarriage. I will guide you through the bilateral stimulation process while you recall specific aspects of your loss. Over time, the distress associated with these memories decreases, and we can begin to focus on developing new, more compassionate perspectives toward yourself and your experience.

Is EMDR Right for You? If you're finding it difficult to move forward after miscarriage or feel trapped in your grief and trauma, EMDR may be a powerful tool for your healing journey. It’s especially helpful for women who are experiencing:

  • Persistent intrusive thoughts or flashbacks

  • Anxiety or fear about future pregnancies

  • Unresolved grief or complicated emotions surrounding their miscarriage

  • Difficulty feeling safe or trusting their body again

Start Your Healing Journey with EMDR You don’t have to carry the weight of your miscarriage alone. EMDR with a trained EMDR Therapist in California offers a way to process the pain, release the trauma, and move forward with a sense of peace and self-compassion. As a Postpartum Therapist and Trauma Specialist, I’m here to help you navigate this process with care and empathy. Let’s work together to heal the deep wounds of miscarriage and find a path toward emotional freedom.

"To live in the hearts we leave behind is to live forever"

— Carl Sagan